In search of the most beautiful buildings in Italy 2021

In search of the most beautiful buildings in Italy 2021

In search of the most beautiful buildings in Italy


This time the Castle of Thun is the pearl of Italy in the Non Valley

Where to go in Italy when you have a short vacation? I recommend Trentino-Alto Adige - one of the most beautiful places in Italy. Let's go on a tour!

You want to ask me a question: is the Castle of Thun associated with the famous Christmas angels, the answer is yes.

Have you ever heard of Count Otmar and Countess Lena Thun? So - this is their ancestral nest since 1267.

In 1950 they founded the famous ceramic factory in Bolzano. Lena sculpted angels, admiring the faces of her sleeping children. This is the case when the passion turned into a real business, generating more than 170 million euros a year. Since 1978, Peter Thun has led the company that has gone international, and since 2013, the third generation of the family has replaced Simon Thun, Peter's son and product manager.

But the family was called Thun only since 1926, when the Bohemian branch of the family took over the castle. About 700 years ago, Varimberto di Tohno was the first owner of a house located in the municipality of the Lower Non Valley, still called Ton.

So, we go into the building.

After crossing the drawbridge and the Spanish Gate, an entrance supported by 18 columns leads into the courtyard. From here you find yourself at the entrance to the ancient part of the castle, the baronial palace, on the first floor with a beautifully preserved charming and ancient cuisine.

We go upstairs to the upper floors and stately rooms with their typical tiled stoves, so necessary in this cold place. The furnishings range from opulent awnings and coffered ceilings to inlaid tables and light and slender Empire-style furniture on the upper floors, creating a kind of family sequence that takes the visitor through centuries of events.

Well, did you like the excursion?
