
Bordighera is a charming coastal town located in the Liguria region of Italy.

Purchase real estate in Bordighera

Investing in real estate in Bordighera is currently a wise decision. Dwellings, residences, and high-end flats are readily available for purchase in this area.

The past of Bordighera boasts a significant heritage. Historical records indicate the presence of fortified Ligurian communities dating back to the 5th century BC on the hills close to Bordighera. In the Roman imperial period, an agricultural settlement stood here, near the Julius Augustus route, established in 13 BC.

The papal decree of 1296 makes reference to a location named Burdigeta, which fell under the authority of the neighboring Ventimiglia. However, the official founding documentation dates back to only 1470, when a fortified community emerged on the St. Ampelia hill. The mild winter climate prevailing in the region is a result of its unique geographical location. The historic town, situated on the Saint Ampelio Cape, is divided from the urbanized regions of the 19th and 20th centuries by Roma Street, where a series of elegant Liberty-style villas, residences, and hotels from the early 20th century are situated. Bordighera is renowned as the "palm queen," but the area is not limited to palm trees; it also features olive groves, citrus orchards, and Mediterranean vegetation. The environment is a splendid blend of diverse greenery, complementing the urban landscape. It is recommended to explore the Winter Garden, the 17th-century Church of St. Mary Magdalene, and the 15th-century Oratory of the Apostle Bartholomew. The Bordighera harbor represents the ultimate tourist port before reaching the French border.